Saturday 30-10-10 we had Kyle Balda over in Rotterdam for a Masterclass at the Cinerama theatre.
Kyle Balda has been working professionally in feature animation for the past 15 years, most notably with Pixar Animation Studios and Industrial Light & Magic.
After animating on Peter Jackson’s The Frighteners at Weta Digital in New Zealand, Kyle returned to California to work at Pixar as an animator on A Bug’s Life and Monsters Inc. and as directing animator of Toy Story 2. Presently living in Paris, Kyle has been conducting animation workshops at film-schools and production studios worldwide for the last six years. Presently living in Paris, Kyle has been conducting animation workshops at film-schools and production studiosworldwide for the last six years.
After animating on Peter Jackson’s The Frighteners at Weta Digital in New Zealand, Kyle returned to California to work at Pixar as an animator on A Bug’s Life and Monsters Inc. and as directing animator of Toy Story 2. Presently living in Paris, Kyle has been conducting animation workshops at film-schools and production studios worldwide for the last six years. Presently living in Paris, Kyle has been conducting animation workshops at film-schools and production studiosworldwide for the last six years.

Kyle lead the 3D animation masterclass at the packed Cinerama theatre for a enthusiastic group of animators, students and professionals. He tought the technics but he also foccused on giving live to a character. He took a small part of Pulpfiction to show the importance of point of camera, direction and point of view.
Kyle Balda’s Masterclass was made possible by ‘het Initiatief’